Make yourself heard - The power of presence in English-language contexts

We all know how important communicating effectively in English has become, in particular for academics. English is now the lingua franca in the global academic setting.Yet academic professionals in management and leadership positions, who are confident in their skills in their native language, often feel at a loss when it comes to presenting in English. This workshop is designed to help academic professionals to create an effective and powerful presence.


Workshop description and learning outcomes

The participants will learn how to align their body language with their purpose and intentions in order to create an effective and powerful presence.

The participants will learn how to align their body language with their purpose and intentions in order to create an effective and powerful presence.

This two-day workshop is designed to reach the target aims through meaningful practice, individual and group activities, theater exercises, and other exercises informed by Amy Cuddy’s work on Presence.

After the workshop, the participants will:

  • Have a clear awareness of their presentation style and presence.

  • Be able to identify their strengths as a speaker and to leverage them.

  • Know what makes effective, powerful communication and develop the skills to model it.

  • Have tools to help them overcome obstacles when presenting such as stage fright.

  • Become familiar with the principles of creating a powerful presence.

  • Gain the tools to increase their presence while presenting.


covered topics

From non-verbal communication to presence and power!

From non-verbal communication to presence and power!

  1. Non-verbal communication

  2. Voice and Speech (verbal delivery)

  3. Presence and Power

  4. Intentionality (presentation content)

  5. Stage fright

  6. Presenting

This workshop is only offered as an in-person workshop.

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